Payara Podcast Episode 7: Keeping Projects Alive – A Conversation About Open Source Contribution

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

In the latest episode of the Payara Podcast, we talk to Lenny Primak. Lenny is an experienced software architect and developer - he’s been contributing to various open source projects for many years, including Apache, Jakarta EE and Payara.

Last month, in June 2024 we held the Virtual Payara Conference, and that’s where Lenny joined us for the Open Source contributors roundtable. We had a really interesting conversation then, but had limited time to discuss various aspects of his work on open source, so we thought it’d be best to give Lenny some more time to share his journey and his experience during the Payara Podcast so here we are - we hope you will enjoy listening to this episode !



Lenny has been programming professionally since he was 16 years old! Over the years, during his career in software development, he worked for various Wall Street firms and he’s been running his own business Flow Logix, developing software-based solutions for fast-moving businesses, utilizing Jakarta EE technology. Parallel to his tech career, he also obtained his Private Pilot Certificate at nineteen and later became a commercial pilot.

Check out the projects we discussed during this episode:



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