Java EE Presentations at the JavaOne Conference

Photo of Dominika Tasarz by Dominika Tasarz

JavaOne 2016 might be a thing of the past now but the talks presented there are still very relevant! Luckily for those who couldn't make it to the conference in San Francisco in September, a lot of the presentations were recorded and are now available to watch on-line (see a full list here).

Here's our selection of the most interesting, recorded JavaOne 2016 talks that focus on Java EE. 



Rapid Development Tools for Java EE 8

Geertjan Wielenga, Oracle & Gaurav Gupta, Technical Lead, Aricent


The NetBeans IDE brings the speed of enterprise applications development to a new level. You can create a fully operational Java EE 8 application in few minutes from scratch, and you can select the technologies based on preferences such as REST API, MVC 1.0, JSP, and AngularJS. The solution features a rich web UI, business logic, security, batch API, a REST API, and more. Don’t miss this session if you are serious about saving time.

Java EE 8 Update 

Linda Demichiel, Consulting Member of Technical Staff, Oracle
This session presents Oracle’s plans for updating the Java EE Platform to reflect recent and emerging trends in the areas of the cloud and microservices. Topics covered include:
• What’s been accomplished in Java EE 8 so far
• Reasons for the shift in Oracle’s focus for the Java EE Platform
• New areas Oracle needs to address and updates to current JSRs

Faster Java EE Builds with Gradle 

Ryan Cuprak, Analyst, Dassault Systemes
It is time to move your Java EE builds over to Gradle! Gradle continues to gain momentum across the industry. In fact, Google is now pushing Gradle for Android development. Gradle draws on lessons learned from both Ant and Maven and is the next evolutionary step in Java build tools. This session covers the basics of switching existing Java EE projects (that use Maven) over to Gradle and the benefits you will reap, such as incremental compiling, custom distributions, and task parallelization. You’ll see demos of all the goodies you’ve come to expect, such as integration testing and leveraging of Docker. Switching is easier than you think, and no refactoring is required.






Cloud-Native Java EE 

Ondrej Mihalyi, Service Engineer &  Mike Croft, Java Consultant, Payara Services Ltd
Many people underestimate the DevOps shift required for running applications in the cloud rather than on-premises. Truly cloud-native applications on Java EE are possible with very little effort, but a shift in mindset is required to really take advantage of the scale that comes with cloud deployments. In this tutorial, the presenters build a full microservice using Java EE APIs, JAX-RS, EJB, CDI, and JPA. They then demonstrate the use of various tools such as Docker, Vagrant, and Amazon Web Services, showing elasticity and resilience, making use of features that are infeasible or not easy with on-premises deployments, and demonstrating 12-factor-app principles and how they can be applied to Java EE deployments.





Live-Coding No-Ceremony Microservices 

Adam Bien, Consultant / Contractor, Adam Bien
Java EE is productive and easy to learn and runs smoothly on containers such as Docker and rkt. It has become the perfect microservices platform. Unfortunately, no one in the enterprise is interested in managing thousands of nanoservices “just for fun.” In this session, the presenter hacks on stage a couple of Java EE 7/8 “rightsized” services, links them together, runs them on Docker, and explains the architectural decisions and best practices in real time.





Configuration for Java EE 8 and the Cloud 

Dmitry Kornilov, Software Engineer, Oracle
In the modern world, where apps consist of microservices and are deployed in a cloud, developers are facing many issues related to apps config. How to deploy an app in different environments without cracking its package. How to apply configuration for deployed instances of an app without redeployment. How an app can be notified if some configuration properties changes. This session introduces a standardization effort tasked with solving these problems by defining a Java EE config service. Such a service is aimed at the cloud and provides the ability to create one or more configurations that are independent of and decoupled from apps using them. The session describes how such a service fits into the Java EE family and integrates with other Java EE frameworks.





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