Posts tagged Oracle JDK

Payara Platform and Amazon Corretto

Amazon Corretto is a distribution of the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) provided by Amazon. It's free to use, comes with long-term support, is production-ready and supported in multiple platforms, which means that it can run in the cloud, on-premise, and on your local machine. With Corretto, you can run Payara on popular operating systems, including Linux, Windows and macOS. It is certified using Java Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) to meet Java SE standard and can be used as a drop-in replacement for most JDK distributions. 

Taking a Thread Dump of Payara Server

Thread dumps are a useful tool for debugging an application that's running slowly, or is otherwise causing problems. A thread dump is a snapshot of what each running thread is doing at a particular moment. It allows you to see if a thread is running, waiting, or stalling. This two-part guide will show you how to take a thread dump of Payara Server, and how to get useful information from it.