Archive from July 2019

My JConf Colombia 2019 Impressions

Last week, the Colombian chapter of the Latin American JConf Conferences was held in the beautiful city of Medellin, Antioquia. There were multiple Java related talks across the 5th and 6th of July in two tracks:

Using Jakarta Security on Tomcat and the Payara Platform

Java EE Security API is one of the new APIs in Java EE 8. With Java EE currently being transferred and rebranded to Jakarta EE, this API will soon be rebranded to Jakarta Security, which is the term we'll use in this article. Jakarta Security is part of the Jakarta APIs, included and active in the Payara Platform by default with no configuration required in order to use it. With some effort, Jakarta Security can be used with Tomcat, as well.  



Business Benefits of Using Kubernetes with Payara Micro

The term “Kubernetes” comes from the Greek “kubernan,” which means to steer or guide. You can think of Kubernetes like a pilot for apps that are stored and run together in containers and other forms of workload distribution software. The Greek “kubernan” was transformed over the years to relate to the term “Govern”, which is another helpful comparison when trying to understand the full capacity of Kubernetes.


Work Experience at Payara

This week we were happy to host  William and Imogen who joined us in the Malvern Office for a work experience placement. As an organisation we have been dedicated to involving ourselves and providing educational opportunities for young students. Including our apprenticeship program, work experience placements, speaking at schools and events. Below is a summary from William and Imogen on how they felt about the experience.