Posts from Ondro Mihályi

Photo of Ondro Mihályi
Ondro is a software developer and consultant specializing in combining standard and proven tools to solve new and challenging problems. He's been developing in Java for over 10 years. He works as a Service Engineer for Payara Services, helping their customers and the wider Java community with their projects based on the Payara Platform. As an experienced Java developer and trainer, he's also helped companies to build and educate their development teams and improve their development processes. He's a core member of several open source projects, inclluding MicroProfile and Jakarta EE. He’s a leader of Czech JUG and a Java Champion.

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Java 11 Support in Payara Server Coming Soon

The world is moving in fast forward and the Java ecosystem is no exception. In 2017, the release of Java 9 disrupted the Java ecosystem with the introduction of Java modules. Soon after, the new six months Java release cycle caused another disruption, with three new Java major versions released since then. The Payara team have been working hard to keep up with this new, faster velocity. Although the latest Payara Server version 5.191 doesn’t run on Java 11 yet, we’re very close and can confidently say the next version of Payara Server will run on Java 11.

A Step-by-Step Migration to Reactive Microservices in Snowy Stockholm

I have written and talked a lot about why reactive programming matters. It’s always been a topic of personal interest for me. I’m not only an engineer but also a perfectionist and I’ve always wanted my applications to be perfect, easy-to-use and pleasant to work with. Building reactive applications is one way to achieve this perfection.

A Presentation about Payara Platform and MicroProfile in Warsaw

In November, my friend Milen Dyankov started it all by inviting me to come to Warsaw to give a talk at a local developer meetup (sponsored by Liferay, Milen's employer). After attending several big conferences during the year, coming to talk at a much smaller event sounded quite relaxing! Visiting Warsaw for the first time was also tempting so I agreed to attend.


Did You Know? Asynchronous REST Requests and Responses with Java EE and MicroProfile

Java EE 8 fully supports asynchronous handling of REST requests and responses, on both client and server side. This is useful to optimize throughput of an application or even when adopting reactive principles. MicroProfile type-safe REST client API also supports this concept to allow you to call REST services asynchronously with a much more straightforward way with plain Java interfaces.

Securing Payara Server and Payara Micro with a Supported JDK

As you probably already know, Oracle decided to stop providing public updates for Oracle Java Development Kit 8 (JDK 8) in January 2019. Public updates and security fixes will be provided by Oracle only for the latest version of Oracle JDK, for 6 months until the next new version. While personal users will still continue to get updates for Oracle JDK 8 until December 2020, commercial companies that plan to use it after January 2019 will either need to become Oracle customers or switch to a JDK 8 distribution supported by someone else to receive regular updates with critical and security fixes.


10th Anniversary of Java2Days - Payara Services Had to Be There!

I've been to Sofia, Bulgaria, a couple of times already. It all started with the Java2Days organizers inviting the Payara team to give a talk 2 years ago. But this time it was something special. The organizers joined forces with other IT conferences and prepared a special edition for its 10th anniversary in what is probably the largest building in Bulgaria - the National Palace of Culture.


Be Reactive and Micro with a MicroProfile Stack at Code One & Devoxx BE

Our goal within the Payara project is to facilitate innovations in Java web and enterprise applications. There are many areas to innovate but one of my favourite is better and simpler support for reactive programming. I've been exploring this area for a while. I have found some clever ways how to use standard APIs and Payara Platform to write reactive applications. This year in one of my session at Oracle Code One and Devoxx Belgium, I will focus on using MicroProfile API to write reactive microservices with simple code.


From Monoliths to Pragmatic Microservices with Java EE

It seems like Microservices architecture is almost everywhere these days. For a long time, I used to have a feeling that many people talked about it but very few use it. So I decided to find out how to get the most out of Microservices. I've studied this architecture a lot, experimented with the technology created specifically for Microservices and talked to other people who knew more than me. This how I've met some incredible people. And it's also a reason why I've joined forces with Reza Rahman and Ivar Grimstad to create a Hands-on Lab about our findings, which we'll present at Oracle Code One this year.

カスタムSSL証明書を用いたPayara Serverのセキュア構成

Payara Serverの管理タスクで最も多いものの1つは、他のWebサーバーと同様に、HTTPプロトコルやPayara Serverへのリモート・アクセスをセキュアにするための電子証明書のセットアップです。自己署名証明書または信頼できる認証機関の署名入り証明書のいずれかをお持ちでしょうが、どちらの場合も証明書をPayara Serverのドメインに追加してセキュアな通信に用いるのはとても簡単です。


How to Write Reactive Applications with MicroProfile

Eclipse MicroProfile is a framework that brings innovative technology to enterprise applications. Both Payara Server and Payara Micro provide the most recent MicroProfile version as soon as possible. Along with the aim to simplify development of microservices and cloud deployment, MicroProfile is continually adopting other modern approaches and patterns like reactive programming.